About Us

We are a start-up from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Our products include INPC with human-level intelligence and able to communicate smoothly with people and make judgments based on reliable reasoning, accomplishing any general purposes as well as specific tasks. Importing such bespoke INPCs into metaverses/games will be a huge leapfrog of a business. We are here to help you accomplish this.

We are led by Prof. Kani Chen from HKUST, supervised by Prof. Yang Wang, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement of HKUST and Prof. Tong Zhang, Chair Professor of HKUST. Main teammates include Alkaid, Long, Sanda, Ronald, Cecilia, Eric, Star and Michael, with perfect team spirit and great zeal towards innovation.

Our Team

We are a dynamic team.

Tong Zhong
Team Advisor

Fellow of the American Statistical Association; Fellow of the International Society for Mathematical Statistics. Tenured professor at the State University of New Jersey; Vice president and head of big data lab at Baidu Research Institute; Director of Tencent AI Lab.

Yang Wang
Team Advisor

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum fermentum eleifend nibh, vitae sodales elit finibus pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Ut sollicitudin risus a sollicitudin semper.


PhD in Statistics, Columbia University; Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics; Directors of MSc Program in Financial Mathematics, Crypto-Fintech Lab and Web3 Labs; Co-Director of Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program in HKUST; Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.


Research Assistant in the cryptofintech lab at HKUST, 3 years startup experienced in algorithm engineering at deep learning, reinforcement learning, robotics SLAM and blockchain, once worked as researcher of Nervos blockchain.


Majoring in Statistic at University of Science and Technology of China. Participated in HKUST web3 carnival of NFT, proficient in U3D programming, algorithm engineering and data science.


BSc of Artificial Intelligence from Peking University. Researching in laboratory of PKU, specialized in algorithm engineering, data science. Proficiency in computer vision and NLP, especially open world continual learning of object detection.


PhD in CS of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Baidu Senior Engineer. AI Technology Director of JOYY. 11 years experienced in NLP. Complete the China's first martial arts novel translation engine; Design the system RuffOS; Start the O2O platform Dianda Mall.


Majoring in Mathematics and Economics at HKUST, currently working as investment assistant at Phoenixtree Capital, interest in technology investment.


Assistant Officer (IT Support) in the Department of Mathematics at HKUST, interested in Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, and Front-End Engineering.


Majoring in the School of Business at HKUST, familiar with speech algorithms of Digital Human and speech signal processing using Deep Learning.


Research assistant in the Department of Mathematics at HKUST. 2 years working experienced in academic and industrial applications of NLP.


HBSc of Applied Statistics from the University of Toronto. Majoring in CEMS International Management Program at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business School, currently working as a PR and marketing intern at HashKey Capital.


Applications For AI Chatbots Showcase
Clothing & Apparel
Content Creation
Writing Assistant
Prompt Writing

Contact Us

If any question, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to and value every suggestion from you. We will reply to your letter within 1 week.